The weather finally cooled down enough to fish and I finally got the time to go so off I went! This time I fished 3 afternoons til dark with Rhandy and 3 full days with Dale. I spent 12 hours on the water, sun up to sun down, on Monday and Tuesday. Plus Sunday evening and Wednesday morning.
On arrival Sunday evening I heard sad tales from Rhandy about how poor the fishing had been lately. He had been skunked himself 3 trips in a row before finally finding a few fish to break the jinx. We headed out anyway, determined to make them bite one way or another. Yeah, right. I think I finished the evening with 2 bites and a white stripe down my own back. Rhandy caught one fish, which undoubtedly was a suicide. We tucked our tales between our legs and rolled in at dark to drink much beer. We did see some schooling fish on a main lake point but another boat was on them and we couldn't get them to come our way. Never could tell if they were sand bass or green fish. We made a mental note to be there earlier on Monday evening.

Monday dawned crisp and chilly with some fog on the water and Dale also regaled me with tales of fishing woe from the guide community at Lake Fork. Seems the little darlings were just not biting for anyone. We sallied forth anyways and the tales of woe were definitely confirmed. In 8 hours of fishing, in many great spots, with many proven techniques, I had all of 2 bites and NO fish. Dale caught 2 and jumped off 2 more with a few more bites. Yikes. Dale worried more about it than I did. It just be's that way sometimes. It's all about keeping at it.
Rhandy and I headed out shortly after landing with Dale and we headed North to try our luck along the grass which has been growing like crazy past the 515 east bridge. It sure is some pretty grass. One fish finally screwed up and ended my dry spell. I think Rhandy wore the white stripe Monday evening, though he did catch a few sand bass and a little bar fish. We even showed up early at the main lake point hoping for some schooling action. Of course, they never showed up at all. Typical. We did some trolling with DD-22s and all Rhandy caught were some sand bass. Rhandy finally decided they were Sunday schoolers. He also opined that they all must be government fish deemed non-essential by Obama. Yes, we decided the poor fishing was Obama's fault. Once again, we headed in to drink much beer. It was essential beer.
Tuesday came early and not without some delay. After a long day Monday, I was ready to jump back on the horse again on Tuesday. Only the deadbolt lock on my room would not unlock from the inside! Hah! Trapped in my room and Dale waiting on me. After scratching my head a minute I finally exited through the window and tried the room key in the deadbolt from the outside. Fortunately it worked, after a few extra turns, and it appeared a spring or something had gone out in the deadbolt. I put some tape over the deadbolt so it would not stick out, left a note on the office door, and finally left to go fish.
Dale and I headed North again and the decision was to stick with crank baits in front of the grass. It worked. We did that most of the day and I ended up with 8 small fish for the day. 7 of those came on crankbaits with one on a wacky worm. A definite improvement over Monday. I think Dale slept a little better on Tuesday night.

After leaving Dale's boat, I was off again on Rhandy's sled and we zoomed off to the grass up north of the 515 east bridge. Our first stop was a bust, no bites, but our second turned out to be a honey hole. After catching a couple of fish on crank baits, we moved to the back of a cove and locked down with wacky worms. There were fish moving all around and we moved back and forth where we saw them, chunking wacky worms and catching a few here and there. Some of them were flying fish. So small, when you set the hook the fish flew over the boat. We didn't care. It was a nice change. Rhandy caught one nice one that went about 6 pounds. We ended up with 12 back in that pocket before heading back to the main lake point down south. At the point we chunked crank baits and DD22's. Rhandy caught 3 bass and I hooked one real nice fish. I never had control of that fish as he hit it coming at the boat and I never could catch up with him. He wallowed and spit the crank bait before I could even get a good hook set. I did see it and it looked like a good 8 pounder. Dang it. When Rhandy hooked a catfish with his DD-22 we decided that was a sign to go in and drink beer. So we did.

Wednesday was a little warmer and we had high hopes of getting some better numbers. We started out in some good grassy spots up north with wacky worms and crank baits but we never could seem to find the fish. I think Dale and I had a couple of small fish each all morning, but we did seem to be finding a few more bites. We even went back to Rhandy's honey hole from the night before but I don't think we ever caught a fish there. We had some bites, but could not hook one. Finally we moved down the bank to a spot where timber and grass were in close proximity and started catching baby bass. More flying fish. We were laughing about the small size and decided to call the spot "the nursery". Dale said he was sure there were some bigger fish hanging around and just after that I hooked a nice 6 pounder. Not a mom or a dad, but maybe the teenaged baby sitter. Still a fun fish to catch. That thing had some darned good teeth and left both my thumbs bloody. We ended up with about 13 from the nursery and a total of 17 for the day.
The Monarch butterflies are doing their migration and every few minutes you can see one fluttering past. We also saw 2 pairs of bald eagles on Wednesday and a doe and a fawn running around on shore. I'm just happy we managed to get rid of all the skunks and catch some fish! Another fun trip in the books. Back for more soon.